Monday, January 21, 2013

Baby Fever

And now, for a little personal information about The Professor and His Wife: ages! The Professor is 24. His Wife is 22. We're pretty young, pretty hip kids who have no business bearing children at this point in our lives. I, The Professor's Wife, am in school full-time, I work 25 or 30 hours a week, and would probably fail to keep a cactus alive (I do, however, hang out with our roommate's ferret sometimes, and she is still alive and well). The Professor works well over full time, is figuring out the school thing and we both come home exhausted most of the time. We don't have health insurance, our budget is so tight it squeaks, and we live with two smelly but wonderful twenty-something dudes who like to play violent video games and swear at the TV. Loud. By all rational standards, we should absolutely not be thinking about getting pregnant. 

Can someone explain to me, then, why I am experiencing serious baby fever? It seems like every time I open Facebook, there's a new picture of someone's adorable newborn, infant, or toddler. Every time we go to the store or grab a coffee, there are eight hundred curly-haired, bright-eyed giggling children running around and smiling at us. I ask myself how come we aren't jumping on the no-sleep, diaper-changing, crib-buying bandwagon? I have to keep reminding myself that it doesn't make sense for us right now. We need to be in way better financial shape, we need to have our own house, and I need to be done with school. When it's time, it'll happen. In the meantime, I will repin baby stuff on Pinterest and fawn over other people's children.

But I'm just saying, if I got pregnant on accident.. I don't think I'd be that upset. Because look at this:

If that doesn't make you want to bear children, WHAT WILL?

-The Professor's Wife

1 comment:

  1. Here is my thoughts on having babies right now....once you have a baby, it is no longer just the 2 of you. Enjoy your time figuring out how to be the professor and his wife and enjoy the time just the 2 of you because once that bundle of joy and every other emotion comes along there is no longer just the 2 of you!
