Wednesday, June 19, 2013


After a totally planned (read: totally unplanned) hiatus, we're back to bring you the latest and greatest updates from the Professor and His Wife! Hold your applause, please.

We've been working hard for the past couple of months, planning our November vow renewal, trying to beat the heat, and watching the Colorado wildfires closely. It seems like even our days off have been packed full. Today, though, I have a real, true day off, with no obligations, no meetings, and no schedule! So here I sit, at my mother-in-law's where we're house/dog/birdsitting, coffee in hand, enjoying a David Attenborough-narrated documentary about the ocean, and catching up on this, the blog that is always on my to-do list but which never gets crossed off.

So what's new? For starters, Effie wasn't pregnant, so big relief there. I mean, I love kittens as much as the next squealing seven-year-old, but I was in no way ready to be a grandmother. Especially since kittens take a lot of time and attention, and I work full time. So, happily, our number is still three and not seven or eight. Whew!

We now officially have health insurance, which feels so much better than I expected it to. It's like we have this great big cushion to fall on when one of us inevitably breaks something or gets horribly sick. We're ready for our lease to be up, have plans to move in with the Professor's parents short-term until we have enough saved up for a down payment on a house. I'm taking some summer classes and am working on getting my First Aid/CPR certification, and hopefully can start thinking about getting a job with the school district and getting my foot in the door.

And not to harp on an old subject, but I am totally feeling the baby fever again. A lot (A LOT) of my Facebook friends are pregnant or have just had babies (in fact, I just clicked over there to see that a friend and his wife JUST welcomed their son this morning!) Given that I have a wedding dress to fit into in November and that I'm not done with school until 2015 - not to mention we don't have a house of our own - having a baby should not be anywhere near the front of my mind. If anything, it should be slowly, slowly simmering on a far back, ideally malfunctioning burner. But it's hard to avoid thinking about it when it's so prevalent in my friends' lives. Even the whales on my TV screen are mothering their babies.

Lastly, the Professor and I are so looking forward to Jazz Aspen Snowmass over Labor Day weekend; we've got our three-day passes and a few extra days off, so we're going to make a little vacation out of it. Can't wait!

And so ends the update. More engaging, intellectual material coming soon, I promise.

-The Professor's Wife

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