
Who are we?
We are the Professor and His Wife, also known as Elliott & Emilee. We're two happy people living in Colorado, and you can find out more about us below.

What will you find here?
This site is mostly a blog where we chronicle our lives - we're pretty not-boring people. Go check that out!

We've also got a couple other offerings:
Our Read page is dedicated to what books are on our nightstands, when Emilee's not reading textbooks.

Click on Eat to find delicious recipes! Made, tweaked, and tested by Emilee and Elliott, we promise we'll only post the good stuff.

Look around! Some parts of our site are still under construction, but check back frequently!

How did TP&HW get started?

The Professor and His Wife got its start in 2013 when Elliott and Emilee decided that they were pretty interesting people with decent ideas and thoughts that other people might want to read about. This is the result!

What's up with "The Professor"?
Something you should know about Elliott and Emilee: we are enormously fond of Doctor Who. We had decided, some time before the blog was even a twinkle in Emilee's eye, that Elliott was a timelord. As such, he had to be given a proper timelord name - and since The Doctor and The Master were already taken, The Professor was the next logical choice!

Where are you?
We live in beautiful Colorado, and we're fortunate enough to live near our families. We've got a cat, Effie, who makes frequent appearances here on TP&HW.

What does Elliott do?
Elliott manages a local coffee shop. He enjoys the Denver Broncos, a good video game, and a great latte.

What about Emilee?
Emilee is a full-time student at a giant university. She's studying secondary history education, also known as "the closest thing you can be to an actual timelord". Emilee works with kindergarteners, which is immensely entertaining. She loves Jane Austen, being outside, and fireplaces.


  1. Cool write up. If you want to totally overdose on Timelord trivia, the 7th Doctor (played by Sylvester McCoy--Radagast the Brown in the new Hobbit movie) was often referred to by his companion, Ace (played by Sophie Aldred), as Professor. Yeah, I know that kind of stuff.
    -Todd in MN

  2. what about the professor and his wife's awesome brother in law? a tee hee
