Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Happy Wednesday everyone! First of all, check out this great song by a great artist, Tyrone Wells. 

I was thinking about making a "Wedding Dress Wednesday" tradition, where from now until the big day, every Wednesday I post a picture of a dress I tried on that wasn't "the one". It certainly felt like I tried on a thousand before I had the big aha!, but I'm probably mis-remembering. Anyway, I probably won't post all of them, but I was thinking about all of that today - it was a good time! - and stumbled upon this little jewel in my phone:
This was the first one I tried on.
So beautiful! But not mine.
I swear I tried on a thousand. So now you have that, and we can move on.

We leave for our little vacation on Friday morning, and I could not be more excited.

I have been dreaming of this. On a side note, the car we're in is mine - his name is Alan.

I've finished all of my homework for the week, so I can read for fun and not worry about falling behind. You guys, this is terribly exciting to me. I am aching for this trip. You know that feeling where you are thisclose to totally burning out? That's been me for about a month. I am determined to use these next five days as my recharge period before the Crazy starts. Determined. We are going to be in one of the most beautiful places in the country, seeing some truly great artists, and enjoying each other's company. I will have time to read, write, explore, think, and relax. To spend time reflecting on and enjoying quietness, with my (really really ridiculously good looking) best friend right next to me the whole time.

Although I will definitely
miss this little peanut.
I hope to come back renewed, and with lots of great ideas on simplicity. I stated before, but I'll say it again: I am entirely unplugged this weekend. I'm not even bringing my laptop, and I plan to have my phone off as soon as we get in the car to go. I may have to make an exception to take pictures - but that will be in airplane mode. Friday morning to Monday evening, I'm off the grid!

So, friends, all I ask of you this weekend is to send good thoughts and vibes my way. Shoot up a prayer that I'll use this time wisely and intentionally, that we'll be save in our travels, and that Effie doesn't entirely destroy everything while we're gone. And take some time for yourself this weekend to find quiet, whatever your plans are. It's good for you.

Until next time!

- The Professor's Wife

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