Friday, October 18, 2013


I've been thinking a lot about the concept of joy recently. As I began to really consider it, I realized that it was somewhat foreign to me - I knew what it was to feel happy, but I guess I wasn't really aware of the difference between that and joy. I think an understanding and an appreciation of what joy is and what it feels like is important to a life of simplicity. And it's not just finding joy in the simple moments, it's finding joy in the act of simplifying, in simplicity itself. In order to get to that place, I needed to understand what joy is. Naturally, I turned first to my friend the dictionary.

The Professor brought me these today.
Perfect timing!
Joy (n): the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation; a source of keen pleasure or delight; something or someone greatly valued or appreciated; festive gaiety; a state of happiness
      (v): to feel glad or rejoice

And a few choice synonyms: bliss, cheer, comforttreasure, satisfaction

A few things stand out to me in those words. Delight. Value and appreciation. Comfort. Treasure.

I was speaking with a friend a few days ago about what things bring me true happiness. Perhaps that conversation is what sparked this joy-centered contemplation. She asked me what things make me truly happy. I replied "Feeling loved and valued and being surrounded with people I love and value." The fact that the idea of valuation is included in the definition of joy brings me some sense of relief. It means I do actually understand joy in a sensory, emotional way - it's just a matter of bringing it up from my heart to my head, in order to become more conscious of it.

So in the last week or so, I've been making an effort to note the times I feel joy; when I feel cheerful, comforted, treasured, satisfied. I kept my notes and made them into a list, and here it is:

  • When Effie decides the most comfortable spot in the house is cuddled up with me
  • Hugging my husband and that sense of security
  • When my kindergarteners think I'm funny
  • A glass of wine in front of the fireplace, with no glaring items on my to-do list
  • Looking at a completed to-do list
  • Taking time to enjoy folding laundry
  • A really good discussion about something I think is important 
  • A really good discussion about something that's obviously important to someone else
  • Being outside, enveloped in the mountains and the air
  • Reading a really good book
  • Sitting on the couch next to the Professor while he watches the Broncos
  • Doing my homework in the company of a roaring fire, a cup of coffee, and two easygoing pups
  • Accomplishing something challenging; this week it's been homework
  • Playing a board game with my family
I feel the most joy whenever I'm surrounded by people I love and value, and who love and value me.

I think just being cognitively aware of when I'm feeling joy has made a difference for me. My goal for the next week, more than simple awareness, is to really search for it. 

Happy Friday!

- The Professor's Wife

Psst - The Professor's Wife is now twittering! Tweeting! Twitting! Whichever! Check her out!

1 comment:

  1. My real URL will come soon... but I'm happy that I could inspire your recent journey into joyous truths and truths of joy. :-) I think those are some of what make up my true happiness; inspiring others and being a part of your life and journey. - VB
